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Housing Scheme for the Revitalization of Mountainous, Near the Buffer Zone and Disadvantaged Areas


The Ministry of the Interior informs the public that the start date of the Housing Scheme for the Revitalization of Mountainous, Near the Buffer Zone and Disadvantaged Areas is set for June 3, 2024.

The purpose of the Scheme is to provide financial assistance for acquiring owner-occupied housing in areas covered by the Scheme. The Scheme covers a total of 279 communities/areas designated as mountainous, near the buffer zone and disadvantaged, based on specific criteria.

The assistance amounts to 50% of the total expenditure for acquiring housing, with a minimum total expenditure of €20,000. The maximum amount of assistance (50% of total expenditure) depends on the family composition and the community/area where the house is acquired, with maximum amounts as follows:
● Single person up to €35.000
● Couple up to €45.000
● Young Couple (neither member of the couple has reached the age of 41 at the time of application) up to €60.000
● Family with children (including single-parent family) up to €50.000
● Young family with children (including young single-parent family) – neither member of the family has reached the age of 41 at the time of application, up to €65.000
● Families with many children (4 or more children) up to €70.000

Persons with disabilities: an additional amount of up to €10.000 for special construction work

For special constructions, for the purposes of safety and adequate support of the house due to morphology or slope of the land, an additional amount of up to €25.000 (depending on the area).

The date of acquisition of the owner-occupied house must be the same or later than January 1, 2024. The acquisition date is considered the date of submission of the relevant documents to the Department of Land and Surveys, with exceptions and explanations as mentioned in the Scheme’s guide.

Interested parties must meet specific criteria and conditions to be eligible, which are detailed in the Scheme’s guide.

Applications will be accepted from June 3, 2024, to December 31, 2025. Applications must be submitted to the District Administration Offices, depending on the area. It is noted that the date of receipt of the application is considered and recorded as the date of submission of the application for the purpose of ranking in order of priority for approval. Financial assistance is granted to those who have been positively evaluated, provided that the necessary required funds are available in the State Budget.

The Scheme guide, lists of eligible areas, participation conditions, application evaluation criteria, and application forms are posted below.

For more information, interested parties can contact the responsible Officers at the Ministry of the Interior at 22867612 and 22867842 as well as the following phone numbers:

District Administration
Name of Responsible PersonContact Phone Numbers
Marios Michael
Andis Chatzichannas
LimassolTroodia Georgiou 25806509
Nektaria Loizidi
Gavriliana Efstathiou
Paphos Louiza Andreou 26801145

Andri Tsapparella
Styliani Nicolaou
Chrystalleni Makri
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