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Labour relations and rights

If you are a Cypriot or European Union worker who works in Cyprus, you can submit an anonymous complaint regarding disputes of employees against their employers.
Here you can request the issuance of a special store sign which is an obligation of the owners/managers of a special shop. The aforementioned sign is issued based on the category of the special shop (kiosk, bakery, confectionery, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of the relevant law.
If you are a Cypriot or European Union worker who works in Cyprus, you can submit a complaint regarding disputes of employees against their employers.
If you represent a trade union or an employers` organizations that represents employees or employers respectively, you can submit an application to the Department of Labour Relations for mediation in labour disputes.
Here you can pay the fee for the exercise of the profession concerning the provision of external services for the protection and prevention of risks at work
Υou can pay the invoice for inspectable machinery.